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Gonzalez Rodriguez, M., Troutman, S., Bayle, S., Duckett, D., Kareta, M.S. and Kissil, J. L. “Synergistic effects of combined BET and FAK inhibition against Vestibular Schwannomas in NF2-related Schwannomatosis”. (in press), 2024
Shepard, A., Troutman, S., Hoxha, S., Lester, D., Khaled, W., St. John Smith, E., Park, T., Buffenstein, R., Du, D., Teng, M., Crish, C., Tsai, K.Y., Flores, E.R., Ventura, A., and Kissil, J.L. “An autochthonous model of lung cancer in the Naked Mole-Rat (Heterocephalus glaber)”. bioRxiv, August 28, 2023.
Kota, S., Hou, S., Guerrant, W., Madoux, F., Troutman, S., Fernandez-Vega, V., Alekseeva, N., Madala, N., Scampavia, L., Kissil, J.L.# and Spicer, T.P.# (#corresponding authors). “A novel 3-dimenasional high throughput screening approach identifies inducers of a KRAS selective lethal phenotype”. Oncogene 37;4372-4384, 2018.
Guerrant, W., Kota, S., Troutman, S., Mandati, V., Fallahi, M., Stemmer-Rachamimov, A. and Kissil, J.L. “YAP mediates tumorigenesis in neurofibromatosis type 2 by promoting cell survival through a COX2-EGFR signaling axis”. Cancer Research. 76(12):3507-19, 2016
Yi, C., Shen, Z., Stemmer-Rachamimov, A., Dawany, N., Troutman, S., Showe, L.C., Liu, Q., Shimono, A., Sudol, M., Holmgren, L., Stanger, B.Z. and Kissil, J.L. “Angiomotin-p130 is required for Yap-mediated hepatic epithelial cell expansion and tumorigenesis”. Science Signaling. 6:ra77, 2013.
Licciulli, S., Maximoska, J., Zhou, C., Troutman, S., Kota, S., Liu, Q., Duron, S., Campbell, D., Chernoff, J., Field, J., Marmorstein, R. and Kissil, J.L. “FRAX597, a small molecule inhibitor of the p21-activated kinases, inhibits tumorigenesis of NF2-associated schwannomas”. J Biol Chem. 288(40):29105-14, 2013.
Yi, C., Troutman, S., Fera, D., Stemmer-Rachamimov, A., Avila, J., Christian, N., Persson, N.L., Speicher, D.W., Shimono, A., Marmorstein, R., Holmgren, L. and Kissil, J.L. “A Tight Junction-Associated Merlin-Angiomotin Complex Mediates Merlin’s Regulation of Mitogenic Signaling and Tumor Suppressive Functions”. Cancer Cell. 19:527-540, 2011
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